3 Tips for Selling Properties Sight Unseen

Out-of-state or out-of-country buyers often buy properties without stepping foot on the premises. Real estate agents and brokers working with this kind of buyer can follow the following tips to make selling properties sight unseen go smoothly for everyone involved.

Do a Video Tour

Do a live video tour with the buyer or record a video of the property. Be sure to capture video of these sometimes-problematic spots.

  • Closets
  • Basement corners
  • Furnaces
  • Attic ceilings and floors
  • Garages
  • Property lines

Take a Friend of the Buyer for a Tour

The buyer may have a friend or colleague in town who could come along for a tour and report back to your client. It would be best to have the friend along for a live video tour with the client so he or she can help with the camera work.

Encourage Inspections

Encourage your buyer to get home inspections alongside anything else they do. A professional can catch roof leaks, foundation cracks, septic problems, and a number of any other problems that a typical person might not see.

Selling properties sight-unseen is typically riskier than selling to a buyer who has seen and felt the property with their own eyes and hands, but following these tips can reduce the risks for everyone.