Google Analytics Tips and Tricks

You put in the work to create a website designed to drive customers to your content. But how will you know what’s working and what isn’t? This is where Google Analytics comes in, which lets you track data. Here’s what to know about analyzing Google Analytics to optimize your performance.  

Use Clear Objectives

If your top goal as an insurance agency is to increase engagement and business, measuring the number of visits, time spent on your site, and the number of pages viewed may be important metrics. Objectives to consider might include:

  • Shares to social media between 3-5% per visitor
  • 75% of views are new visitors
  • 10 insurance business inquiries per week
  • Each reader clicks at least 3 pages per visit

These goals may not be well defined in the beginning, but they will give you a starting point to measure your success rate. As you begin analyzing Google Analytics, you can optimize your content accordingly.

Pay Attention to the Audience Overview Report

You can select a time frame for your website to gauge engagement and find answers to the number of individual users, the number of pages visited, length of stay, and average bounce rate. With these analytics, you will know, for instance, that if your users are engaged but traffic is low, you may want to spend more time on promotion.