Do You Need School Shuttle Insurance?

Commercial drivers face different challenges than the average motorist. Vehicles are bigger, the amount of time behind the wheel is considerably higher, and when passengers or cargo are on board the stakes are high. For school bus drivers, the stakes are even higher.

If you drive a school bus, or if you run a school or a transportation company that employs school buses, you may require more insurance than an everage driver. You may need school shuttle insuranace.

What is School Shuttle Insurance?

School shuttle insurance is a commerical vehicle liability policy especially designed to protect bus drivers and schools. It can mitigate risk, protect against financial loss and offer coverage in a series of instances specific to this industry.

Who Can Benefit From School Shuttle Insurance?

Any parties who have potential liability in the aftermath of an incident or accident can benefit from have a school shuttle insurance policy. The policy may cover medical bills if pedestrians, passengers or drivers are injured. If the vehicle is damaged, this policy may also cover the cost of repairs.

If you drive a school bus, or if your school uses buses or provides bussing to students, a school shuttle insurance policy can bring peace of mind knowing your liability is covered in case of an accident.