Three Ways to Lower Trucking Violation Fees

Looking to lower your trucking company’s overhead costs? You can easily lower your insurance costs by concentrating on lowering your violation rates. Not only would this lower premiums, but save money on claims and payouts as well. Consider these three ways to improve company processes and lower your violation rates.

1. Keep Accurate Records

Truckers on the road have limits on how many hours they are allowed to drive. Daily total driving hours cannot exceed 14 – 15 hours, and there are mandatory breaks that must be taken as well. Since the fines for violating these rules average over $7,000 keeping accurate records can save you quite a bit of money. 

2. Practice Correct Scheduling 

Trucking violations can be assessed for surpassing weekly limits as well. Your drivers must not exceed certain hourly limits over the course of a week and must take a scheduled break in between weekly limits. Fines for these violations have been more than $20,000 so you will want to be sure to meet all the requirements and keep accurate records for each driver.

3. Be Sure Drivers Have Correct Licensing and Certifications

Each driver must meet state requirements regarding licenses and certifications. Be sure that your drivers not only have the correct documentation but that they keep all of their endorsements up to date and not expired.

Keeping your drivers licensed and safe is good business.