How to Prepare for a Boating Emergency

Spending a day out on the boat sounds like a good time, and it certainly can be if you take the proper precautions to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Here are a couple of ways to prepare yourself for a potential boating emergency.

Learn from the Pros

Taking some pointers from a seasoned boater or enrolling in a boating course can significantly improve your knowledge, skills and abilities on the water. Some emergency boating skills you should know include:

  • How to contact the U.S. Coast Guard
  • How to control your vessel in inclement weather
  • How to avoid inclement weather altogether
  • How to identify and complete basic emergency repairs

Keep the Right Supplies on Board

Many drowning deaths can be prevented by simply wearing a life jacket, so make sure to keep enough life jackets on board for you and all of your passengers and, more importantly, wear them. A lot can happen on a boat. Even if you only plan on taking a leisurely excursion, injuries can still happen. Having a comprehensive first-aid kit in tow is essential to caring for injuries as soon as they occur. While not an actual supply, another important thing to have on board is basic CPR knowledge. If a life-threatening emergency occurs while out on your boat, knowing CPR can potentially save a life.

Preparing for a boating emergency can help you stay calm should your peaceful day on the water turn a little scary.